
Special Guest at Silverline Sunday Livestream

Special Guest at Silverline Sunday Livestream

LIVESTREAM INTERVIEW JULY 2024 This was fun. I was invited to join Silverline Comics 'Silverline Sunday' livestream, where I dusted off my memories about working at Malibu Comics (with varying degrees of success) as well as my career path after Malibu was purchased and shut down by Marvel. We also chat about traditional and digital comic creation methods and various other shop talk.
Jack Kirby’s Conan Re-Inked & Colored!

Jack Kirby’s Conan Re-Inked & Colored!

PERSONAL WORKS MAY 2024 I'm always on the lookout for obscure Jack Kirby drawings and found this one online. Actually, I'm not even sure if it's obscure or not, but it seemed unusual to me and interesting enough to try my hand at inking and coloring it. Here's a cropped view of the finished piece. You can view process shots, livestream my work-in-progress and the full view, high res art at my patreon page. Scott
Patreon Page Re-launch

Patreon Page Re-launch

MAY 2024 It's good to be back on Patreon and I hope you'll stick around for what's in store. As you can see when you visit that site, I've re-engineered it with all new rewards. My comic mini-series Hark had once been the central focus there, but since I've put that project on pause for the time being, I've decided to shift all of the work I typically publish via my site and social media channels to Patreon. I'll still be offering glimpses in all the usual places, including this news page. However, the full, unlocked content will be for patrons only at I hope you'll consider joining, because for as little as $3 per month, you'll have access to a long list of rewards, from original art to high res previews of fresh off the drawing board (or screen) art and a weekly live-stream of my works-in-progress. I have some pretty exciting projects in the pipeline, including a sequel to Saga of a Doomed Universe and a fully restored edition of High Strangeness, my first graphic novel from 1999. You'll get to see both projects take shape, as well as behind-the-scenes of commissioned comic art. Looking forward to seeing you there! Scott


PERSONAL WORKS APRIL 2024 – In some alternate universe, I hope there's an older version of me that worked at Marvel during the 1980's. Because that's my favorite era in comics. But, since that's not the case in this universe, I thought it would be fun to create a non-existent cover from that period, featuring a team that never got their own title. I imagined this Freedom Force as a subversive group of government sanctioned operatives, not smart enough to realize they secretly function as puppets for a sinister shadow government. I'm also attempting something new here by mocking up the art on a bagged comic book, just to give it that extra layer of believability. SR


PERSONAL WORKS MARCH 2024 – Back in 2021 I wrote a spec script for Marvel, when they had the Conan license and were publishing a number of Conan comics. Although I had some inroads into the editorial dept at the time, the timing wasn't right and so this project was shelved. Since Conan has been on my writers bucket list for many years, I had decided to follow through and complete the 2-issue story arc and produce cover art for both issues. That year, I posted the first issue script here along with the cover, with the intention of posting the second issue script as soon as I completed the second issue cover art. However, this labor of love project kept getting pushed to the back burner, as other commitments took priority. Issue 2 cover sat unfinished on my drafting table for a very long time. Fast forward to now, I finally completed the cover art and am re-posting both scripts, along with both covers (since issue 1 is now buried deep in the news page archive). The thought has occurred to me to rework the story and create a new character to fill Conan's leather skin boots, thereby turning the entire thing into a creator-owned endeavor. But I think I'd rather keep this story intact and release it as it is intended: an homage to one of my favorite characters. SR
Project Update: Saga of a Doomed Universe sequel! Plus, commissions are open!

Project Update: Saga of a Doomed Universe sequel! Plus, commissions are open!

I just finished the first issue of my next comic mini-series, a sequel/prequel to Saga of a Doomed Universe. It's planned as a 3 issue series, each issue weighs in at a whopping 54 pages. This first issue took me almost exactly one year to complete, so I'm looking at either a late 2025 or 2026 release date for the entire series. I've been dropping clues here and there over at my social media channels, in the form of works-in-progress and this post is no different, really. Even so, I'm taking a 2-month break from the project, because I like to step away between issues of whatever book I'm working on and decompress and recharge a bit before diving back into the next chapter. Here's a snippet of several completed pages: In the meantime, I'm opening up my commissions list for March and April, so if you'd like an illustration of your favorite comic character(s), now's the time. I haven't done any private comic commissions in a very long time, so I'm looking forward to this. Go here for details.SR
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Here's my 2nd painting of 2023, because all of my energy was directed at comics this year. You can download a high res here. SR


PERSONAL WORKS NOVEMBER 2023 – The last time I inked and colored a Jack Kirby illustration was probably back in 2008, a Superman drawing that I found somewhere online. I think this one was inked traditionally (with brush and pen) although I could be wrong about that. There was a period during those years when I was inking with adobe illustrator, so it's possible this piece is also entirely digital. Regardless, I'm back at it again this month with an inking/coloring treatment over another great Jack Kirby drawing. For this Thor drawing, I inked and colored it with clip studio paint, on my ipad pro. I also applied a halftone effect over the inks, similar to the old zipatone films used in the pre-digital days of comic art. SR


PERSONAL WORKS OCTOBER 2023 – I have an ever-growing list of personal art projects that I'm slowly chipping away at, but these tend to see movement only when I have a window between paid work. Honestly, I don't really have much downtime lately, but I recently purchased an ipad pro, and am finding a little time in the evenings to wind down with some digital drawing. Which brings me to this piece. At the moment, I have a Jack Kirby pencil scan that I've finished inking and am finalizing its color study. You'll see that here soon. And then there's this: a pencil scan of Hulk, by the 'Michelangelo of comics', big John Buscema, which I've inked, colored and logo treated. Because I didn't break into comics until 1993, most of my heroes, like Buscema, were nearing retirement. It goes without saying that I had no opportunity to work with him while he was still alive and active. But that hasn't stopped me, obviously. I'm posting Buscema's penciled art along with my finishes, because I think it's important to honor his work first and foremost. For a closer, more detailed look, download the high-res for free. SR


Thanks to the fine folks at Yancy Street Comics for inviting me as guest for their Free Comic Book Day event on May 6! I spent the day meeting old and new fans and the other amazingly talented guests there. The turnout was incredible, and I was so busy signing and selling copies of Saga of A Doomed Universe and Hark that I didn't get around to sketching until the afternoon. Here's pics of a few commissioned sketches from the day:


Tina and I were guests at the world premiere of Antman & The Wasp: Quantumania yesterday and it was pretty spectacular! This film introduces Jentorra, a character I co-created during my writing stint at Marvel and perfectly portrayed by Katy O'Brian. Also, this movie is great. The filmmakers visually re-imagined Jentorra, and even from the trailers it's clear that she's been through a lot since her first appearance in the comics. If you haven't delved into Jentorra's origins or the most recent iteration of the Marvel Comics Microverse, a good place to start is my story arc in Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk.


PERSONAL WORKS  – As usual, these sort of projects tend to take a lot longer than usual, because of other commitments. But I finally made it happen: a full tilt homage to the original Micronauts. This concept started as a commissioned sketch at C2E2 in July, and I liked the composition so much that I decided to recreate it as a larger illustration later. You can download a print-ready high res of this over at my patreon page.
Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3!

Saga Of A Doomed Universe #3!

The third and final issue of Saga of a Doomed Universe is currently available for pre-order from PreviewsWorld! When I started planning the cover variants, I quickly realized there were a multitude of iconic 1980's era covers to choose from. But I wanted to make sure that these homages also had a direct link to the story itself, and I was pretty lucky in finding covers that related pretty closely to key scenes in the story. I plan to post all of those together at some point soon, but in the meantime, here's all of the cover variants for issue 3! SR
C2E2 2022!

C2E2 2022!

Next week, I'll be at C2E2, artist alley table X-2, with new things on that table: HARK issues 1 & 2 from Beyond Forward Comics, a preview of Saga of a Doomed Universe from CEX Publishing & special give-aways! Plus, past works from Marvel Comics, Image Comics, Dark Horse Comics and even Malibu Comics! Over the years, Chicago has always been a special place to me. When I was young, I would make the pilgrimage to Chicago Comic-Con (long before C2E2 existed!) every summer, hoping to achieve the right connections to break into the comics industry...which I finally did, at Chicago Comic-con '93! It's been a wild ride ever since. This time around, I'm looking forward to sharing Hark and Saga of a Doomed Universe with old and new fans, while enjoying the company of amazing people creating amazing comics. For me, that's always the biggest and most meaningful take-away at any comic convention. Hope to see you there!
Saga of a Doomed Universe comes to CEX Publishing!

Saga of a Doomed Universe comes to CEX Publishing!

I'm thrilled to see my mini-series Saga of a Doomed Universe find a new home at CEX Publishing, starting in October! You can read the press release and preview the variant cover art and more here. Pre-order your copies at Previews World or ask your local comic shop to place an order for you. You can also see the new promo here. I'll have more news to share soon!
Clearwater Comic-Con

Clearwater Comic-Con

What I love most about small, 1-day comic-cons is the community aspect to it, and the fact that it's usually comic-centric in nature. Comic-Con is a bit of a misnomer these days, as they are often propped up by pop culture attractions outside of the comic art medium. I'm not opposed to all of that, but it's nice to see the focus back to where most of that pop culture stuff originated: comic books. But I digress. This was an excellent show, thanks to the fine folks at Clearwater Public Library for putting on the event and having me as a guest. I met some amazing talent there, caught up with friends and colleagues, drew a few things for old and new fans, and sold a slew of books. Pretty much a perfect comic-con experience! Commission sketch
Press Release: The new issue of HARK on sale now!

Press Release: The new issue of HARK on sale now!

**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE**  Hudson, Florida 02/12/2022 – The second chapter in Scott Reed’s science fiction epic Hark is now on sale! Reed is best known as a writer of Marvel Comics Realm of Kings (Son Of Hulk, Microverse: Enigma Force) and for his critically acclaimed Image Comics mini-series, The Overman. About his current series, Reed explains, “I’m introducing an alien philosophy as a thread that weaves through all the action, explosions and strange creatures doing terrible things. Everything that happens in the story is rooted in symbolism in some way. There are quotes and parables from Hark, who is this AI super-intelligence conflicted about his own purpose as a force for peace. Plus, he’s mutated into something terrifying. He has a lot of new powers that he doesn’t know how to handle.” Reed is writing, drawing, and publishing the series via his creator-owned imprint, Beyond Forward Comics. He views the 6-issue series as a ‘long-game’ endeavor, with 1 intricately drawn issue published every year, between his other projects.  The story is set on the once war-torn planet Serad, until it was transformed into a pacifist’s utopia thanks to Hark’s teachings. His work completed, the android philosopher went into sleep-mode, only to awaken a century later to discover his message of total non-violence has sparked a cosmic genocide, at the hands of an alien presence known only as The Elusivv. Hark is faced with the survivors: The Pacifista, a cult who now worship him as a God, and The Reactors, a barbarian-like clan who seek revenge against the Elusivv, and against Hark, who they blame for causing the downfall of their civilization. Hark is caught between these two powerful ideologies, with his own unstable powers threatening to make matters even worse.  Hark #2 is available for purchase in digital format at The print edition is available for purchase at Free preview and more at
Two Geeks Talking – Podcast Interview

Two Geeks Talking – Podcast Interview

Kurt Sasso of Two Geeks Talking interviewed me in his recent podcast, where we talk about my current comic, HARK, as well as a deep-dive into some of my creative process.
Emerald City Comics FCBD Event

Emerald City Comics FCBD Event

I had a great time yesterday as a guest at Emerald City Comics Free Comic Book Day event. This was my first signing in quite a long time and I'm hopeful I'll be able to do more of these in the months ahead, assuming we aren't all in Pandemic lockdown again. I sold almost all of my inventory of Hark #1, along with a few copies of some of my other comics and a few commissioned sketches. Also, I was in good company, seated next to guest artists Anthony Hary and Filipe ‘Fil’ Bergson. It was great talking shop with them while meeting old and new fans. Lastly, thank you to the fine folks at Emerald City for having me as a guest. EC is one of the very best comic shops in Florida and if you're a local or visiting the area, I highly recommend a visit there.


PERSONAL WORKS MAY 24, 2021 – Conan: A Rebellion of Ghosts is a Marvel spec script I wrote last year, but unfortunately I couldn't find an opportunity to pitch it to editorial. Undaunted, I've decided to create a faux cover art and post the work online as a freebie. As much as I love being immersed in creator-owned projects like Hark, there are a few licensed characters out there that are on my writing bucket list. Conan is at the top of that list, and I had too much fun writing him to just let this story collect digital dust on my hard drive. So, I'm posting the first part here as a downloadable pdf and plan to get the second part posted in the next month or two. Enjoy!


PERSONAL WORKS APRIL 2021 – This one has been languishing on my drafting board for the past several weeks, and I finally carved out the time to finish it. My homage to the classic Machine Man mini-series from the mid-1980's. I went the extra mile and added a modified logo design based on the original logo and the old 80's era Marvel logo.


NEWS MARCH 2021 – As of this writing, I'm penciling page 24 of HARK #2, so I'm getting a bit closer to the finish line. In fact, you can see for yourself at my new Twitch live-stream! Go here to get caught up on the last two streams or just follow along for notifications of the next one. The whole thing is a bit experimental and I'm still getting used to the idea of live-streaming, but so far it's been fun. Hope to see you there.  


PERSONAL WORKS JANUARY 2021 – Here's my first illustration of 2021. I'm a big fan of the Chris Claremont/John Byrne run on X-men, which means that in my head canon, there is only one Dark Phoenix and she's still dead. Also, as a Graphic Designer, I just couldn't resist placing this art into a retro faux Marvel cover design. I created a Dark Phoenix logo (I don't think there is an established logo design for it) and used the classic Uncanny X-men and Marvel 1980's era logo for an extra dash of nostalgia.


PERSONAL WORKS OCTOBER 2020 – My favorite issues of Swamp Thing were the Alan Moore & Steve Bissette/John Totleben run during the mid-1980's. Lately, I've been compelled to revisit some of these great comics. In doing so, I was inspired to illustrate an alternate cover art that summarizes one of the pivotal story arcs in that series. Also, it's October so it seemed a perfect choice.


WORKS-IN-PROGRESS SEPTEMBER 2020 – Here's a little glimpse into the upcoming second issue of HARK, an unlettered double-page spread that I recently completed. I'll have more to share here soon, as I'm nearing the halfway mark of drawing this issue.


PERSONAL WORKS AUGUST 2020 – I'm outraged, angry and saddened at how many Americans have reacted to the pandemic and to the hard truth of fully unveiled racism. There is no unifying tragedy here. It's fragmented the country further. In this new illustration, Cap is ready for action, but I wanted to convey uncertainty. He doesn't really know what to do anymore. He's a symbol caught between ideologies and narratives. He's masked because he would be masked. He's a patriot, he's doing his part to protect his fellow American. On the street, in the chaos. He's standing at a precipice.


Press Release 01/20/2020 **FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Hudson, Florida 01/22/20 – Scott Reed’s Beyond Forward Comics presents HARK, the first issue of a bold new 6-issue science fiction mini-series. Reed is best known for his critically acclaimed Image Comics mini-series The Overman, one of the writers of Marvel Comics Realm of Kings (Son Of Hulk, Microverse: Enigma Force) and his creator-owned meta-textual super-hero graphic novel, Saga Of A Doomed Universe. His new work, Hark, is poised to be a magnum opus that promises to push the boundaries of the comics medium. About Hark, Reed explains, “I’ve never attempted to write and draw something on this scale before. Hark has one of the most dramatic character arcs I’ve ever written, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. It’s the kind of story that should appeal to fans of Dune, 2001 and Terminator.”Hark is an android pacifist philosopher who converted a war-torn planet into a peaceful utopia. After solving all their problems, he went into sleep-mode, while the entire civilization was bombed into the stone age by a mysterious alien force. Now, every inhabited planet in the universe faces the same fate. Hark wakes up to learn of a terrible, hidden purpose behind his programming. He has no choice but to betray his teachings of peace, realizing that he is the only one who can stop this firestorm of cosmic extermination…because he’s the one who accidentally sparked it.  Hark #1 is now on sale from:Digital edition at Comixology: edition at IndyPlanet: