It’s 1984, and all of the heroes have been murdered by an evil mastermind, except for Roy Brannon, a costumed loser who could never become the champion that Earth needs. Now, it will be Roy’s chance to prove everyone wrong –even if he has to destroy the entire Universe to do it.
"This ultra-bronze age style of art calls to mind the prestige format books put out by DC and Marvel's "Epic" line in the '80's, channeling the "cutting edge" charm of those books and their attitude. It's easy to get lost in the story, as Reed sells the characters with ease."
— Newsarama
"What If Alan Moore Wrote Secret Wars? That's a bit of a misnomer, but fully explaining Scott Reed's Saga of a Doomed Universe requires one to sit down and read it themselves. The bronze age masterpiece that never was. Highest possible recommendation."
— Boing Boing