Back in 2021 I wrote a spec script for Marvel, when they had the Conan license and were publishing a number of Conan comics. Although I had some inroads into the editorial dept at the time, the timing wasn’t right and so this project was shelved. Since Conan has been on my writers bucket list for many years, I had decided to follow through and complete the 2-issue story arc and produce cover art for both issues. That year, I posted the first issue script here along with the cover, with the intention of posting the second issue script as soon as I completed the second issue cover art. However, this labor of love project kept getting pushed to the back burner, as other commitments took priority. Issue 2 cover sat unfinished on my drafting table for a very long time. Fast forward to now, I finally completed the cover art and am re-posting both scripts, along with both covers (since issue 1 is now buried deep in the news page archive). The thought has occurred to me to rework the story and create a new character to fill Conan’s leather skin boots, thereby turning the entire thing into a creator-owned endeavor. But I think I’d rather keep this story intact and release it as it is intended: an homage to one of my favorite characters.