Hark #2 has arrived!

Finally, right?  https://beyondforwardcomics.com/hark  

Digital and print editions are at the clickety click on that page, but as a reward for your patronage, I’m releasing the entire issue here, one high-res page per week. Thank you for supporting my work and helping me get to the finish line on this issue!  I’m also going to be posting behind-the-scenes previews of my development process of issue #3 soon, as well as Patreon-exclusive previews of other projects. This first post is public, but I’ll be changing future posts back to Patrons Only.

PLEASE NOTE: I paused the billing cycle on this account for well over a year, since it’s been mostly inactive, but I will be resuming the billing cycle starting next week. Please take a moment to review your Patreon member status and make any changes if needed. I hope you’ll stick around for this second chapter of Hark, as well as the various other rewards I have planned in the weeks ahead!


Scott Reed

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