It’s been a minute since I’ve been here. Actually, it’s been about 2 years! A lot of amazing things have happened since then:
1. Landed a publishing deal with CEX Comics, who published a reformatted and highly successful Saga of A Doomed Universe in 2022-2023. The series included about a dozen cover art variants and I unveiled the whole thing at C2E2.
2. Got an end-credit in Marvel Studio’s Antman & The Wasp: Quantumania, and walked the red carpet at the Hollywood premiere in 2023.
3. Making more comics in 2024! A planned sequel to Saga of a Doomed Universe is now underway, and you’ll get to see works-in-progress and other exclusive content about that.
4. Working on a digital restoration of my first graphic novel from 1999, High Strangeness! You’ll see that project taking shape here.
Anyway, it’s good to be back on Patreon and I hope you’ll stick around for what’s in store. As you can see, I’ve re-engineered the entire page, with all new rewards. My comic mini-series Hark had once been the central focus here, but since I’ve put that project on pause for the time being, I’ve decided to shift all of the work I typically publish via my site and social media channels to this page only. I’ll still be offering glimpses elsewhere, but the good stuff will be on this Patreon page, just for you!